Home » Your Horoscope This Week: January 8 to 14, 2023
Your Horoscope This Week: January 8 to 14, 2023
The week ahead has major emotional highs and lows. It’s not for the faint of heart — so be prepared to steer through some difficulties.
Mercury retrograde in Capricorn harmonizes with Uranus retrograde in Taurus on January 8 and the Nodes of Destiny on January 13. Pay attention to who crosses your path on the 8th and 13th, they may play an important role in your life.
The Capricorn sun links up with Neptune in Pisces on January 13, allowing us to dream big. Venus in Aquarius aspects Mars retrograde in Gemini on January 9, the Nodes of Destiny on January 11, and Uranus retrograde in Taurus on January 14.
Love will feel like a roller coaster, complete with extreme twists and turns. If you’re finding it too much, don’t be afraid to get off. Mars turns direct on January 12 in Gemini, ending the planetary moonwalk that began on October 30. The world will suddenly speed up – as well as everyone’s tempers.
Aries Sun & Aries Rising
Embracing a higher minded activity will open your eyes and heart to new experiences. Not only that, but it’ll serve as a way to have a stress-free life full of positive energy.
These alternative methods will prove to be stimulating and helpful towards your personal growth. As long as you commit to the spiritual endeavor and continue to pursue your goals while reaching for a better way of being, you’ll be able to heal through the organic rhythms of the universe. Also, you’ll become stronger in the process due to your deepened sense of self. ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER
Taurus Sun & Taurus Rising
The mirror has two faces: The one you show freely without care and the other that holds all of your insecurities which people rarely see.
The world mirrors back what you put out there. Therefore, it is extremely important to be brave and lean into your confidence when dealing with conflict.
If you put your game face on when faced with obstacles, you will be able to rise above your inner fears and stand tall against adversity. Also, you’ll stop doubting yourself and won’t be a shrinking violet anymore. In fact, you will become sure of yourself from now on.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER
Gemini Sun & Gemini Rising
Now that your world is speeding up, it’s time to take care of things that have been put on the back burner since October 30 (when Mars began its retrograde journey on your sun).
Time management is extremely important this week, which is why you shouldn’t spend your energy stressing over frivolous sentiments and situations.
Don’t give your brainpower to dramatic events that have nothing to do with you, even though you’re being dragged into it. The more you prioritize your life and focus on matters that are important to you, the easier your day-to-day vibe will be this week.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER
Cancer Sun & Cancer Rising
Instead of taking a passive aggressive approach to matters, you should make an effort to speak from your heart and be direct.
The reason why you need to be honest about your feelings is because no one is going to be able to understand what is on your mind — except for you.
Being real and upfront with your friends and family will start a new chapter and better dynamic with them. Going forward, you won’t want to hide. As long as you communicate your innermost sentiments in a way you are comfortable with — you’ll be golden and feel accepted.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER
Leo Sun & Leo Rising
You’re in hibernation mode, which means that you don’t want to be very social this week.
Truth be told, you deserve to take a break from being on all the time. It’s totally ok to spend time relaxing and chilling at home instead of being in party mode 24/7.
In order to complete the vibe, pick an old school movie that you can watch along with a friend online. Even though you’re not in the mood to dress up and go out, you may still want to talk with your besties and joke about silly topics that aren’t super serious.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER
Virgo Sun & Virgo Rising
Although you’ve been having doubts about your career path, you are beginning to see that your goals and aspirations are still aligned with the ones you started out with.
Don’t let yourself get too obsessed with the the long term end goal of what you want to attain in the future. The truth is that professional growth takes time.
You have to earn your stripes as you climb the corporate ladder. Don’t be too hard on yourself if the promotion you want takes longer than expected. It’ll happen in its time and you will relish in the success when it does.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER
Libra Sun & Libra Rising
Use your words to state what you want instead of grunting and rolling your eyes when it comes to annoying situations.
The more you communicate your emotions and discuss them with those you care about, the easier it’ll be to find harmony and balance in relationships.
This will prove to be an extremely effective method to overcome any difficulties that are continually going on in your life.
Plus, it’ll squash arguments faster as long as you find the best way to explain your reasoning. You’ll never have to worry about such matters again if you pay attention to your words.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER
Scorpio Sun & Scorpio Rising
Sometimes you have to take the high road — even though you really do not want to, and let the pieces fall as they may without engaging in the drama.
Right now, you’re very hurt by the actions of others and want revenge — which is the opposite of what you should do to make your feelings known by others.
You don’t have to lower yourself in order to sink to their level. The only way to prove that you are better than them is to live your best life. The more you thrive, the more it will sting them.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER
Sagittarius Sun & Sagittarius Rising
After months of flirting with the past, you’re finally ready to make decisions about how you want to proceed regarding an ex with whom you’ve been chatting to nonstop.
Before you decide to completely close the door on a former romantic flame or crush, you may want to have a heart-to-heart to see where you’re both at emotionally.
Instead of being scorching hot lovers, you could very well opt to be good friends. Instead of saying goodbye forever, change the direction that you’re both headed. The future is unwritten and you can define what you want on your own terms.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER
Capricorn Sun & Capricorn Rising
You have to be true to your beliefs in order to make a point. Instead of flip flopping on your views, you must stand behind what you say in order to let people know that you’re serious and mean business.
All the more reason why it’s important to align with ideology that isn’t too dogmatic and reflects your purest views.
Then, you can really take a stand and fight for what you want. Once people see your passion, they will admire your determination and hopes for the future and want to be as brave as you are in letting their desires be known.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER
Aquarius Sun & Aquarius Rising
Lately, you’ve been putting a lot of pressure on yourself to be the best at everything you do.
Now, the weight on your shoulders is finally beginning to stress you out and create havoc in your personal life.
All the work you’ve taken on to prove your worth at work is too much for one person to deal with. Therefore, it’s essential for you to learn how to delegate.
Ask for help when needed. No one is judging you but yourself. When push comes to shove, it doesn’t matter who finished the project on your team as long as it’s done. ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER
Pisces Sun & Pisces Rising
Matters at home are beginning to calm down, which means that you can finally find peace of mind when in your abode.
The caveat is that you still have much to say about the past and are having difficulties in how you might discuss such emotions.
You shouldn’t have to hold onto your feelings. Let them out by composing a well crafted email that is fair minded and doesn’t put the blame on anyone. This way the recipient can respond when they’re ready in a reasonable manner. And, the probability of resolving the situation at hand will be extremely high. ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER
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