Your Horoscope This Week: 29th January to 4th February, 2023

Try to stay grounded this week because the cosmos are bringing lots of excitement our way.

The sun in Aquarius gets a push from Mars right before Mercury in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus connect on January 29.

This energy brings out the unexpected, so be ready for surprises. Venus in Pisces harmonizes with the Nodes of Destiny on February 2 and squares Mars on February 4, urging us to make choices about love.

Passions will be high, especially on February 3 when the sun and Uranus square off. Breathe through the week to relax your thoughts.

Aries Sun & Aries Rising

As the boldest zodiac sign, you are no stranger to taking risks to attain the things you want.

This week you’re using all of your fiery energy and gusto to get the job that you desire.

The caveat is what you may step on a few toes and compete with people you respect in the process.

Although you normally would not shy away from fighting for what you’re passionate about, you may take a step back to level the playing field. Instead of manipulative tactics and producing a campaign for your goals, you are just letting fate take its hand.ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Taurus Sun & Taurus Rising

Now that you are working your way through Mercury and Mars “retroshade,” it’s time to rethink your professional goals.

Consider  how you might make headway within your field. A great way to do so would be through a vision board or journaling.

Holding your dreams close to your heart and implementing them into reality will give you the chance to attain them.

As long as you believe in yourself and what you do — the world will follow. Don’t give up right away if success isn’t happening overnight. Pay your dues, work hard, and don’t ever stop believing in yourself.ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Gemini Sun & Gemini Rising

Stubborn attitudes are likely to manifest amongst your peer group this week, so you’ll want to watch out for these qualities within both yourself and others.

Tension will hang in the air, so if you feel like you’re in need of a time out at any time, give yourself permission to take one.

This energy threatens to challenge what we usually feel as though we can rely on, which can lead to destabilization and strained emotions.

If you need to vent throughout the week, hit up your bestie and let it all out. They’ll be your constant support and companion.ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Cancer Sun & Cancer Rising

Your anxiety can accelerate at the drop of a hat as your senses are heightened. Now, you’re trying to decompress.

After all, it’s been a stressful few weeks. If you can’t loosen up by meditating at home alone, then hit up a yoga class with your squad.

Stretching out in downward dog position and opening up your soul to the positive energy of the universe will be extremely restorative to your body.

Not only that but you’ll be able to connect your body, spirit, and heart together. Sometimes you just gotta do you and enjoy life. No stress, no mess.ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Leo Sun & Leo Rising

Aren’t you feeling a little blocked at the moment? Yes, it’s true you are speaking your mind and heart out for all to hear instead of holding in your emotions.

You’ll spend your days sharing your innermost emotions with friends, which is going to help cleanse out the repressed sentiments in your heart chakra.

You’ll have a lot to express regarding fears that you have about the future. Hopefully, speaking your mind will allow you to let go of your hesitations.

All the more reason for you to stop holding back and start speaking up to those you truly love.ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Virgo Sun & Virgo Rising

You’ve been hiding out of the limelight for quite some time, which is why this week will serve as your coming out party.

It’s been a long time since you’ve let taken control of your own destiny and asserted your power at work. The moment you realize how respected you are, the easier it’ll be to dry your goals in motion.

You are finally ready to reclaim your position as the Queen Bee at work. You’re back and ready to be a boss and show your colleagues who the top dog is —  it’s you — now own it, Virgo!ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Libra Sun & Libra Rising

Oftentimes, you struggle to implement boundaries within relationships since it’s hard for you to say “no.”

This is extremely important because people can walk all over you — if you let them. It is your call to be clear when drawing both emotional and conversational boundaries.

The reason being is that no one is aware of your deep sentiments, which is why you need to make them known.

Following this same thread, you’ll respect the privacy of others — even if they are not quite ready to reveal what’s in their heart at this moment in time.ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Scorpio Sun & Scorpio Rising

You’ll be asked to sort out your thoughts and emotions this week, as the cosmos are shining a light on the sector of your chart that rules emotional security, due to Mars’s presence there.

With Venus currently in Pisces, you may get extra reflective and nostalgic about previous relationships that have changed you on a soulful level.

Use this as an opportunity to analyze and learn from any mistakes you made with boundaries in the past, so you can move forward with healthier relationship dynamics in the future. Also, give the situation love and light to honor its core lessons.ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Sagittarius Sun & Sagittarius Rising

You’re finding that there are a lot of fair weather people in your life who claim to be your friends.

And, one by one you are beginning to see that they aren’t there for you when you need them. Instead of confronting them and arguing your feelings (like you’d usually do), it’s important to take note of their actions.

Seeing them for who they truly are might make your heart sink. On the other hand, you’re realizing who your real pals are. The ones who’ll never let you underestimate the power of love by supporting you through thick and thin. 

Capricorn Sun & Capricorn Rising

Erratic energy might throw you off your game, so try to be mindful of your personal power, and don’t let anyone push you around.

Since the vibes throughout the week are likely to be consistently messy, look for ways to reassure yourself.

Empowering crystals, reciting mantras, or even a walk through the park on your lunch break can all work wonders when it comes to getting you through the day. Do not neglect yourself in order to cater to others.

Use the days ahead to recharge, rejuvenate, and unplug from your communication devices if you need to.ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Aquarius Sun & Aquarius Rising

If you’ve been feeling as though you aren’t being appreciated at work by your boss and colleagues — then it’s time to take a stand.

All the long hours and dedication you’ve given to your job and company aren’t being appreciated by management, which is making you feel as though you’re being taken for granted.

Don’t let your situation bring you down any further. Ask your boss and coworkers for their feedback on the work that you’re doing.

Once you get the conversation rolling, they’ll start expressing how amazing, wonderful, and important you are as a member of their team.ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Pisces Sun & Pisces Rising

Passion will hang in the air through this week, putting you in the mood to find yourself a new romantic conquest or celebrate an ongoing romance.

Give yourself permission to take time to connect with your crush/significant other, dress to impress, and flirt shamelessly.

People will be in the mood to share their intimate experiences and bond right now. And, there is no shame in taking advantage of the ambiance that the cosmos are bringing to your love life.

Relish in the sweet disposition and sentiment of the days ahead. Let the light in your heart shine bright now.ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

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