For Martin, it’s not always about what’s pictured in a photograph — a mountain range, new friends posed around a campsite — but, rather, an image’s ability to instantly transport her back to a specific moment in time. For example, a print she was particularly excited to bring to the U.K. features nothing but her arm hanging out of her passenger seat window, with an unrecognizable mountainous landscape behind it. “My boyfriend, Dante, took this one near Breckenridge, Colorado, as we were heading back to Boulder. I was so tired. It was 10 a.m., but we were blasting music. You can’t see him, but Archie is sticking his head out the window.” It’s this feeling — exhausted-yet-filled-with-gratitude while taking in the beauty of the open road — that she wants to recreate as she continues on her journey, and this print serves as a constant reminder.